About Patches:

This is a chronicle of the rescue of an injured cat and how he became a part of our family.

While the Patches story will have a happy ending, it nearly didn't, considering how hurt he was and that the county would have put him down due to stray cat over-population if we had left him with them.

We took a risk bringing a hurt cat into our home, which is not something that I recommend that everyone do. A stray can be a health risk to your own animals and bringing home too many, animal hoarding, means that you can't properly care for any of them. However, I do hope that everyone does what they can -- even if you can't take in an animal yourself, you can volunteer at a rescue organization, donate to shelters, and make sure that your own pets aren't out adding to the injury and over-population problem.

Thanks for visiting the Patches Blog!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

9 Sept 2010

DSC00202 DSC00191
 Patches has healing almost completely in the last two months. 
Here's a photo update that focuses on where his injuries were.

before & after 1

before & after 2

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1 Sept 2010

Some recent photos.  As you can see, nearly all of Patches's fur has grown back.
That's a bag of casters that Patches is hugging.

